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  • People at Skills360
  • 29 Apr, 2024 · 6 min read

Sun Shines over Skills 360 as the New Batch of 100 Students Begin Their Learning Journey

After the immense response from Karachi’s youth, Skills 360 successfully enrolled 100+ students in their graphic designing and CMS development course. The shortlisted applicants went through an aptitude test and interview.

Skills 360 Pakistan

Classes began with a short introduction of the faculty and their background. Skills 360’s faculty has 10+ years of experience in the job market and relevant education to be recognized as leading instructors.

The course is dedicated to teaching hard skills such as using graphic designing tools and CMS development platforms. Skills 360’s instructors skipped unnecessary lectures that consume time and don’t help in the job market.

This is the core belief of Skills 360 where students will learn from industry experience and master tools that will help them earn dollars through freelancing or find an entry-level job.

The first batch and class of Skills 360 was welcomed by a quick session from Mr. Kashif Hussain Shah, the CEO of ProByte. The brief session was aimed at making students feel relaxed and adjust to their learning environment.

In addition, the session was also dedicated to motivating students and learn how to engage and communicate with stakeholders like CEOs. Yet another mission Skills 360 lives by where students feel comfortable communicating with top-level management.

Skills 360 still receives enormous responses from interested applicants through the website. However, the new batch’s starting date hasn’t been decided as of now. Stay tuned with Skills 360 updates and news to know first-hand about the workshop programs, courses, and other Skills that will help in earning a living.